
Monday, March 31, 2008

Babyplus Prenatal Education

We are currently bidding on e-bay for the Babyplus prenatal education system. Hopefully, we’ll win an auction before the end of the week. This system contains 16 sound “lessons.” To operate the babyplus, it is placed in a pouch around the stomach and played for one hour, twice a day. It is for weeks 18-32. The product description states, “your baby can very clearly hear these patterns. She/he learns to discriminate between the sound coming from the mother and those from BabyPlus. In other words, learning has begun. Your baby accelerates the rate at which he or she compares and contrasts information. This process builds your baby's memory for greater capacity and function throughout life.” While this technology has been studied for over a two decades, it has become widely used and marketed just recently. Rhea is going to ask her doctor about it today, and with her go-ahead, we will start using it in week 18.


Anonymous said...

Save yourself the money and just have Robert sing to the baby every night before bed.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Haha..obviously Allen hasn't heard Lane sing..

March 24 Ultrasound

March 24 Ultrasound